Roll #:     BC 1671
Index #:     92B/W-1, B-003-54
Index held:     P,F
Photos indexed:     1-80
Library has:     1-80; c.2: 2,19-22,25-26,30,34,40,56-58,64
Date:     1954-04-11
Height in ft:     5200
Focal length:     3.25
NTS:     92B
NTS:     92B
NTS detail:     06,11
Scale:     10700
Locality #1:     Gr. Victoria-Saanich Peninsula
Locality #2:     University of Victoria (045)
Notes:     enlargements at G3511 A43 svar B7 of nos. 1,2 35, 36
source:     30,c.2Gift-MAPS-BC1193
classification:     92B 1954 s11
geographic_complete:     100
stereo_complete:     0
data_from:     scale calc: corrected for 1.8x enlargements
cat_date:     0000-00-00
camera:     V
number_of_items:     89
possibleItems:     0
index map: