State Papers Online (Gale)

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Description Part I: The Tudors: Henry VIII to Elizabeth I, 1509-1603: State Papers Domestic

Part II: The Tudors: Henry VIII to Elizabeth I, 1509 – 1603: State Papers Foreign, Ireland, Scotland, Borders and Registers of the Privy Council

Part III:The Stuarts and Commonwealth, James I -Anne I, 1603-1714: State Papers Domestic.

Part IV:The Stuarts and Commonwealth, James I - Anne I, 1603-1714: State Papers Foreign, Ireland and Registers of the Privy Council.

Eighteenth Century 1714-1782, Part I: State Papers Domestic, Military, Naval and Registers of the Privy Council
Subjects History, Political Science, Primary Source
Publisher Gale Digital Collections
Consortium Points to the Past
Subscription Subscription
Alumni Access No
Open Access No