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In a Rush? You can visit the Ask Us desk to borrow a video from our collection and take it with you. If the video you want is in and we have the necessary copyright clearance, we will make your booking and you can take the video with you.

We Deliver

If you choose "my department office" as the delivery method when booking videos, we will deliver them to your department office two business days before your show date and pick them up when you're done.

Advance Bookings

To give us time to check copyright clearance, please submit your orders in advance: * 48 hours for University of Victoria materials * 5 business days for materials from other sources

Take Out Bookings

You can also drop by our desk at Ask Us to book a video from our collection and take it with you. If the video you want is in and we have the necessary copyright clearance, we will make your booking and you can take your video with you.