Index of Christian Art

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Description July 2017: Now called Index of Medieval Art

The Index records works of art produced without geographical limitations from early apostolic times up to A.D. 1400 (extended in the case of the Morgan and Princeton Library projects to include this manuscript holdings up to the end of the sixteenth century). As is to be expected, there is a particular emphasis and focus on art of the western world.

The database is both text and image although some works of art may not have an accompanying image. Approximately thirty percent of the images, due to copyright laws, are restricted for public use and cannot be accessed by the public subscriber. To compensate for this every effort is made to include, where possible, a bibliographic reference which will include a published image of the work and this can be consulted outside of the electronic resource.

The Index of Christian Art presently has over one-hundred-twenty thousand digital images in its database.

Subjects Art & Art History, Medieval Studies
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Alumni Access No
Open Access No