Tax Analysts

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Description The University of Victoria subscribes to Tax Notes International, Worldwide Tax Daily, and Worldwide Tax Treaties.

For the initial sign-in, you need to be within the university’s IP range, or connected by VPN. Please note the information will be stored on a server outside of Canada.

Please follow these steps:

1) Please go to, and click SIGN IN at the top left.
2) In the username field, please enter your uvic e-mail address. Click Next.
3) On the next screen, please click on the blue “Register Here” link.
4) You’ll be taken to a Profile page. Enter your name and uvic e-mail address.
5) Choose a password and enter it.
6) When you’ve finished the Profile, click SAVE CHANGES.
7) You’ll go to the Tax Notes webpage, where you can sign in with your username (your uvic e-mail address) and the password you chose.

If you need any help with logging on, please contact, or 800.955.2444.

Subjects Law
Subscription Subscription
Alumni Access No
Open Access No