Statesman's Yearbook Online

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Description The Statesman's Yearbook was conceived of by Robert Carlyle and brought into being with the help of William Gladstone. Their vision for the book was an authoritative and accessible volume containing information essential for diplomats, politicians and all statesmen involved with international affairs. It quickly gained recognition as an indispensable reference tool and has been published continuously since 1864, through two world wars, without missing an edition. It was ranked by Library Journal as one of the top 20 best reference resources of the millennium. Today, international affairs concern almost every one of us and the scope of the book has become correspondingly broader, with expanded coverage of history, politics, economics, trade and infrastructure for each country, all thoroughly researched and verified by a dedicated editorial team. It also provides extensive further reading lists and web links for further research.
Subjects Political Science
Publisher Palgrave Macmillan
Subscription Subscription
Alumni Access No