People's Daily Online (Renmin Ribao)

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Description With publication started in June 1946 and a current circulation of 3 million, People's Daily is the most influential and authoritative newspaper in China. It is the official voice of the central government of the People's Republic of China For the last over 60 years, the People's Daily has published daily issues that provide the single location where the central government and the Communist Party of China announce their respective policies and disseminate governmental, political, and economic messages to the public and the world. Most importantly, since its inception the newspaper has been the true barometer of the political climate of Chinese society on a daily basis. Also known as: Ren min ri bao (Online) Ren min shu ju ku Ren min ri bao wang luo ban English title on OriProbe Information Services home page: People's daily database (1946- ) (Renmin Ribao) Renmin Ribao People's daily 人民数据库 人民日报网络版
Subjects Newspapers, Pacific and Asian, Primary Source
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