Points to the Past

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Description Searchable primary source material: maps, photos, newspapers, manuscripts,pamphlets, portraits, sermons, poems,and more for research, teaching, and learning.


Gale Artemis: Primary Sources
This unique platform provides an unprecedented, seamless research experience that helpsscholars find a starting point, search across a wide array of materials and points in time, and discover new ways to analyze information.

Chatham House Online Archive
The Chatham House Online Archive: the publications and archives of the Royal Institute of International Affairs is a multi-disciplinary resource bringing a 20th and 21st century world perspective to researchers and students.

Slavery and Anti-Slavery: A Transnational Archive
Slavery and Anti-Slavery: A Transnational Archive is a historical archive that embraces the scholarly study of slavery in a comprehensive, conceptual, and global way. Once completed, this digital collection will comprise five million pages of documents selected by a renowned board of scholars.

State Papers Online
The largest digital manuscript archive of its kind, State Papers Online, 1509-1714 gathers together 16th- and 17th- century British State Papers and links these rare historical manuscripts to their fully text-searchable calendars.

Gale NewsVault
Gale NewsVault delivers single-point access to Gale’s ever-growing collection of historical newspapers and periodicals — currently more than 12 million digitized facsimile pages from newspapers and periodicals around the world.

British Literary Manuscripts Online
This extensive digital archive includes hundreds of thousands of pages of rare manuscripts, poems, plays, essays, novels, diaries, journals, correspondence, and other manuscripts from the year 1100 through the Victorian era.

Declassified Documents Reference System
This collection provides direct information on the critical policies and events of post World War II era, including reports from Cabinet meeting minutes, National Security Council policy statements, CIA intelligence studies, presidential conferences, State Department political analyses, and Joint Chiefs' papers.

Subjects History, Newspapers
URL https://pointstothepast.ca/
Publisher Gale
Consortium BCELN
Subscription Subscription
Alumni Access Yes
Open Access No