Library Stack

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Description Library Stack is a new kind of archive and lending library: a virtual emulation of received library protocols for collecting, indexing, preserving and sharing. Objects in the collection are held in a durable repository for long-term access and bibliographically cataloged for discovery. By translating the protean publishing of the cultural sphere into institutional databases, Library Stack increases its visibility and contextualizes it within a wider landscape of thought, practice and publishing. Library Stack also works directly with artists and publishers to produce precisely these kinds of category-defying ebooks, videos and digital ephemera. The collection comprises both publicly open and controlled-access publications. Anyone can register for a free account to request resources, enable expanded research tools and access featured content. A set of commercial eBooks and software is held in Reserved Circulation as a unique academic research resource for patrons from our participating institutional libraries. These partner libraries also receive site-wide direct file access, full-text search indexing, inter-library loan services, and integration with discovery layers and teaching software.
Subjects Art & Art History, Biology, Computer Science, Economics, Environment, Film and Television, Geography, Music, Political Science
Publisher Library Stack
Subscription Subscription
Alumni Access No
Open Access No