Journal Citation Reports JCR (Clarivate)

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Description Journal Citation Reports (JCR) on the Web presents quantifiable statistical data that provides a systematic, objective way to evaluate the world's leading journals and their impact and influence in the global research community. It is the recognized authority for evaluating journals. The latest release of JCR Web includes what subject matter each journal covers (Scope Notes), what journals are related by citation or subject, what each journal issue contains and where the journal can be found. Enhanced data display provides more tools for analysis, including a display of key citation data and a graphical display of cited or citing journal data. Includes both the Science Edition - covers over 6,100 leading international science journals from the ISI database and the Social Sciences Edition - covers approximately 1,800 leading international social sciences journals from the ISI database.
Subjects Anthropology, Astronomy, Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Earth and Ocean Sciences, Environment, Forest Biology, Health Information, History, Marine Science, Mathematics, Medicine, Microbiology, Nursing, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Public Health, Religion, Social Work, Sociology
Publisher Clarivate
Subscription Subscription
Alumni Access No
Open Access No